Monday, February 13, 2017

Schlumberger Eclipse 2015.1 x86+x64 - Free Download

Schlumberger ECLIPSE simulator provides the most complete and reliable set of solutions in the industry for the numerical simulation of the dynamic behavior of all types of collectors, fluid, degree of structural and geological complexity and systems development.

ECLIPSE covers the full range of reservoir simulation tasks, including finite-difference model for black oil, dry gas, gas condensate composite structure, thermodynamic models of heavy oil and streamlines model. Choosing a variety of additional options from the widest collection (eg, simulation of methane in the coal seam, the control in terms of calorific value of fuel production model terrestrial network fee), you complements simulation everything necessary to fully meet the needs for solving problems by expanding and deepening the study of problems with the development of the deposit. ECLIPSE simulator for over 25 years is the standard of commercial products for simulation development through unmatched breadth of capabilities, stability, speed, scalability, parallel computing, and compatibility with a variety of software platforms.

Schlumberger Eclipse 2015.1 x86+x64
File size: 1.90 GB (1 Link)
File format: .RAR5 (uncompress using WinRAR 5.0 or later)
Operating System: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
IMPORTANT: Installation instructions inside the folder

(Click on the image of MEGA)



  1. Hello Buddy. Are you sure the link works? I can not download the software. Can you help me?

    1. Hi,

      I'm sure the link is working. Just, follow the steps to pass the URL shorter and you'll find the MEGA link to download.

      Best regards.

  2. Hola Carlo. Logre descargar la app, pero cuando cargo la licencia me aparecen los siguientes mensajes, podras ayudarme al respecto. Jose.

    Analysis of last 10000 lines from license log: C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\Schlumberger\Schlumberger Licensing\2015.01.0.8868\dbg.log
    [27/3/2017 8:27 p. m.]

    Fatal Errors Found:

    To improve performance set TCP_NODELAY to 1 as an environment variables.
    Invalid license key: The license file may have been tampered with, obtain a new license file or revert back to the original license file received from your vendor.

    Summary of Common Denied Errors:

    Found 13 counts of error -18
    Error Description: The license server does have any of the requested features.

    Denied License Errors Found:

    20:19:03 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "gf_floviz" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:19:02 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "gf_floviz" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:18:41 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "gf_floviz" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:18:16 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "graf" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:18:15 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "graf" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:18:15 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "office" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:17:53 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "gf_floviz" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:14:16 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "gf_floviz" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:14:16 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "gf_flogrid" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:13:24 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "graf" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:13:24 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "office" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    20:13:23 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "office" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))
    19:21:42 (slbsls) UNSUPPORTED: "gf_floviz" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Jose@DESKTOP-NAESAAK (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327:10054 ""))

    1. Hola, por lo que veo el problema es con licencia, modificaste la dirección MAC de tu tarjeta de red? Que windows tienes ?

    2. Hola Carlo, tengo W10 y si modifiqué el MAC. Si tienes alguna sugerencia te lo agradezco. Saludos

    3. Hola José,

      Por experiencia de otras personas acá mismo en el blog, he visto que W10 da problemas con los softwares de SLB, principalmente por el software SLB licensing. Antes de pensar que el problema es del software como tal (SLB licensing, Eclipse 2015 o la licencia) te sugiero si puedes probrar instalando en Windows 7 preferiblemente. Espero tus comentarios al respecto.


  3. Saludos, alguien encontró la solución a este error?

    1. La solución probada en Windows 7 es modificar la licencia sólo en la primera línea antes de la dirección MAC, ahí donde dice "WilliamsPC" debes poner el nombre de tu computadora, luego cambiar la dirección MAC de tu pc usando la herramienta que incluye la descarga, debes hacerlo como administrador, es importante.

      Adicional, copias todos los archivos parcheados tal como dicen las instrucciones.


    2. Hola, me gustaría saber si alguien sabe a que se debe este error ?

  4. ERROR para el propietario del sitio web:
    el dominio de la clave de sitio web no es válido
    ?? sabes algo? tambien sucede con cmg

  5. Hi Carlo,

    The patches are basically only for 32 bits version (except for graf.exe). The most importance executable don't have patches in 64 bits (e300, eclipse.exe, eclipse_ilmpi, eclipse_msmpi). <= Do you have patches for those 64 bits executable files ?
    (32 bit version can only run very small models)

    Many thanks!


  7. Would someone upload a video in order to show how install it?
    Thanks a lot.

  8. Hi there. Somepne help me please for installing Eclipse 2015 ? really appreciate your help
    Best regard,

  9. Thanks for letting us to download the program.
    How to Install the program please?
    is there any guideline to install the program?
    Best Regard,

  10. just replace carlo with your pc name (see from my computer properties) and change that MAC address to your system Mac address in the licsence file. then use SLB liscencing.
    But the problem is that the patched file is incomplete.

  11. Has anybody succeeded in running a model without the machine throwing an Error IS-18?

    I have tried installing it in windows 7, 8.1 and 10 with 32 and 64 bits, following the instructions of changing the MAC by the book...all throw the same error.

    If anybody has run a model smoothly, please stand up.

  12. I have same problem like Ricardo I successfully installed Petrel 2016, and he works great but i tried to install Eclipse 2015 and always have same problem with error IS-18?
    Can someone know solution for this problem?
    Best regards

    1. I was checking the .lic file for ECLIPSE and unlike PETREL's file which points all the signs to the slbls vendor (SLB License Server, as it should be), the ECLIPSE file points the signs at the slbfd daemon (SLB Flex Dongle)...are we missing something in the installation?

      Can anybody more experienced confirm if that's why we need the CodeMeter dongle?

  13. Saludos Carlo, he logrado instalarlo sin problemas en windows 10, solo hay que estar atento en la parte de cambiar la licencia con el nombre de nuestra maquina y el cambio de dirección MAC. Ahora solo toca esperar que no haya problemas en la simulacion. Exitos broo (hasta ahora licencia corriendo normalmente). Si tienen otros programas instalados de slb y tienen q hacer lo mismo de cambiar la direccion MAC, solo les va a funcionar el programa al que le estan haciendo ese procedimiento, automaticamente los otros que tengan de slb les va a dar problemas, yo intente tener eclipse 2015 y petrel 2015, ambos estaban actividos con MAC diferentes asi q solo podia usar uno de ellos, atentos.

    1. Hola, me alegro que te haya servido. Saludos.

    2. Felicidades Gabriel. Por favor reporta una vez hayas acabado una simulacion. Yo pude montar la licencia en el servidor con el cambio de MAC, pero aun asi no consegui que la simulacion funcionara. Gracias.

    3. me pasa lo mismo se carga los datos correctamente y la licencia parece funcionar, pero no corre la simulacion me aparece el error: LICENSE_ CHECK OUT OF OFFICE LINCESE FEATURE FAILED, SERVER DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS FEATURE (-18)

  14. Felicidades Gabriel. Por favor reporta una vez hayas confirmado que la simulacion funciona. Yo pude montar la licencia en el server con el cambio de MAC, pero sin embargo segui teniendo problemas con la licencia una vez en simulacion, sin tener petrel instalado (solamente Eclipse). Gracias.

  15. Hi , I will be glad if someone can send me the details of installation of Eclipse. I have installed Petrel15 and I am tried many times to install Eclipse 15 and always reported same problem IS-18. I read that some of guys solve this problem.

  16. Has there been any solution to run Eclipse 2015?
    Eclipse 2014 works fine but I need 2015.

  17. IMOH, good morning!
    Can you help me how I can install the Eclipse 2014 on w10?

    I'm having problems with lic and Mac!

    Please help me, my email:

  18. Hola Carlo, tengo inconvenientes localizando los archivos durante el proceso de instalación. He leído las instrucciones pero sigo sin entender.

    Agradezco tu ayuda

  19. Hola Carlo, gracias por tu aporte. Se ha encontrado alguna solucion para correr simulaciones en Windows 10?

    1. Hola, de momento no. Lo más probable es que pronto se publique una versión más nueva de este software.

  20. Gracias por el aporte, al intentar me aparece un error en la licencia con una fecha de vencimiento ya pasada

    1. La licencia de este software expira en 30-jan-2067. El error que se te presenta no puede ser por licencia expirada.

  21. Hola que tal?
    Any newer version than the 2015 available? Ive got an exam coming up and really need this.
